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1. Minecraft IGN: lucaspg 2. Forum username: lucaspg 3. Age: 16 4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Pacific 5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: Anywhere from 1-4 hours a day (occasionally more or less) so maybe 12-15 hours a week. Been on this server somewhere around 3 months. 6. Friends in Minetown: Don't have any close friends, but I get along with everybody well. 7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: No. Never been banned. 8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: Nope. Newbie. 9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): I could install it (recommended location?) and dig up a mic somewhere. 10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.: I am willing to spend time helping people out and I have a good attention to detail. 11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I would like to lighten the other mods load. I know they are all very busy.
over 13 years ago
Were is the forum on how to apply for a mod position? I havnt been able to find it ive used the search bar and everything
over 13 years ago
pyrefangs wrote: Please let me go over this again. We are not paid to do this. This is a donation of our personal free time. We understand that there are issues that do need to get resolved, but you cannot expect every single one of us to just roll over and grant whatever is needed within like 10 minutes of it being put up. We have lives. We have school... jobs... family. Hell... we even play other internet games! Not on MT 24/7. All we ask is your patience. We do try to get matters handled in a timely manor, but sometimes you just have to wait. Don't yell at us. Don't get mad at us. Just give us a bit of time. Chances are, your whole day isn't going to grind to a halt if your PE isn't handled right away. I mean honestly... you need protections? Alright... but keep building! If somebody touches your stuff, they'll get banned anyway when we catch them. (Yes... WHEN we catch them.) You need a warp? Alright. Well, that won't stop you from continuing on your adventure, or your build. Want a shop in the market? Cool! Noted! While you wait, go improve your stock that you're gonna sell! You got griefed? Well now we know! Keep an eye on the area every now and then, make sure you know exactly what's missing... then go about your building/playing while you wait. Really... just because you have a PE out there... you don't have to just stop everything and flop around uselessly until it's done. There's so much stuff you could be doing! Build that epic build! Be that epic gamer! I know you have it in you! So I ask you all... give us your patience. Sit back and have a piece of cake and enjoy the day. Your PE will get done. I know it is volunteer time and I thank you for that. I was just wondering if there were some issues lately that were causing it to slow down. Now thanks to Zionia and the rest of the mods who posted on this, I know. Stupid people with stupid petitions.
over 13 years ago
Does anyone know why the pe's have taken so long to respond to lately?
over 13 years ago